Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Rees is a picky eater and seems to subsist on a diet of white carbohydrates (you know the four food groups: bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes). The other day, however, he was in the mood for a hamburger. He rarely eats meat, never beef. He is 13. We were out and about all day and, when a teenager is hungry for protein, he gets protein. So Greg agreed to take him to the dreaded Quickburger (aka “quality burger restaurant”) to get a…quick…burger. I guess this was inevitable. Kadin decided to tag along too. Rees ordered “un cheesburger” which was pretty straightforward. For Kadin, Greg ordered “un hamburger.” But this the woman didn’t understand. “Quelle sort? Il y a du….” and she started in on a whole list. "Non," said Greg, “un hamburger simple.” This was apparently not one of the options she had rattled off, not one of the items on the menu. After much discussion back and forth, they finally figured out what it was that Kadin wanted: “un cheeseburger, sans fromage.” Well, okay then!

1 comment:

Dais said...

Erin has decided that animal products weird her out. She also dislikes any bruised fruits. And other stuff. It is getting interesting coming up with what to feed her. She has basically come to live on cheese, cheese sandwiches, sometimes macaroni and cheese, you get the idea. Yes I realize that cheese is an animal product. Shh!! Last night I made pasta with red sauce, and added some secret ingredients. I steamed broccoli and carrots, pureed them, and added them. She loved it. I intend to get very creative with this concept, in part using a cookbook our doc recommended called Deceptively Delicious. (Jessica Seinfeld) Have they asked for McCroquettes yet? ;)