Monday, April 11, 2005

My first snow day!

This is my first snow day, ever!

It caught me by surprise. We did get a fair amount of snow, but the roads are clear and the sun is about to come out. Doesn’t seem justified here (it’s been worse) but we hear stories of major roads closed (like I-70 and I-25 to name just two) and the schools in Boulder County are all closed, so it must be really bad most other places.

Yesterday it looked like we’d be snowed in, but as usual, the snow was melting on the roads. So Rees and I went out to buy some running shoes (we are in training for the Bolder Boulder 10k race in May). The store opened at noon and owner of the store was there to see if he should even open. There was much more snow where he lived. But in Boulder it was fine, the streets were clear, and people were out and about. In fact, the running store probably would have had a slow day if it was sunny and warm as it was the previous Sunday. Then everybody would have been out on the trails. But a snowy Sunday in spring turned out to be a big day to buy running shoes. The store was packed and there were only two people working. It took a long time, but that was okay in the end. In the store they have these special treadmills where you can try out the shoes and they videotape your stride to make sure the alignment is right. Don’t know how scientific it really is, but at least you feel like you get your money’s worth. And Rees loved the treadmills and ran on them for quite some time, getting a nice little work out.

Greg and I went out for our usual date night last night. Couldn’t go hiking this time because of the snow, and didn’t try skiing, but instead rearranged his lab on campus and made a list of things he still needs. Then we had a nice dinner and came home on clear roads. There was a little more snow overnight, but I had no idea the schools were closed until the boys and I set out this morning and our neighbor asked us where we were going.

School plans cancelled, we spent the morning out playing in the snow and shoveling. Now we're back inside to warm up and dry off until we pack up some peanut butter sandwiches and go sledding! Yahoo!

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